Are you stressed out and tired? Do you have a headache or have you hit the 3 pm wall?  Alternate nostril breathing relieves stress.  Practicing proper breathing techniques can be energizing, increase oxygen flow, have a mind calming effect and sometimes reduce headache pain. With alternate  nostril breathing you will experience a sense of elevation and peace.

Alternate Nostril Breathing

  1.  Sit in crossed legged position.
  2. Take your right hand, and put your middle and index finger on your forehead. Gently put your thumb on the right side of your nose, just below the bone in your nose and put the ring and index fingers on the left side of your nose, opposite your thumb.
  3. Inhale and exhale slowly through both nostrils.

This is where you start the alternating breathing part:

  1. Press the right nostril closed with your thumb and inhale through the left nostril slowly and deeply for a count of 8 and pause for a count of 3.
  2. Now close the left nostril and open the right nostril only and exhale slowly and completely for the count of 8 and pause for the count of 3.
  3. Keeping  the left nostril closed with your ring finger, inhale through your right nostril slowly and deeply for a count of 8 and pause for the count of 3.
  4. Now close the right nostril and exhale through the left nostril slowly and completely for the count of 8 and pause for the count of 3.
  5. Keeping the right nostril closed with your ring finger, inhale through your left nostril slowly and deeply for a count of 8 and pause for a count of 3.

This is a simplified form of the pattern.  You exhale, then inhale through the  same nostril. You then switch an exhale out the other nostril. Keep that nostril open and inhale.

  • in left
  • out right
  • in right
  • out left
  • in left
  • out right
  • in right
  • out left

This is one complete round.  Do 5 rounds, then release your hand and breath normally. Remain still and feel the calming effects.  You should also feel refreshed and energized. Check out my article on deep relaxation.

Enjoy and Be Well.


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