Cranberry Stuffed Acorn Squash

acorn squash


Acorn squash – 1/2 per person

2 tablespoon brown sugar

2 tablespoons cinnamon

1/2 can whole cranberry sauce per whole squash

Butter optional


Wash the squash.  Poke several holes in each one with a knife or skewer.  Cook the whole squash in the microwave for 5-6 minutes until it is soft enough to cut in half.   After you have cut the squash in half, trim enough off of each end so that the squash will sit upright.  Be careful not to cut too  much or you could make a hole.  Then clean out the seeds.

Place  1 tsp of butter (optional) in each half and then  fill with as much whole cranberry sauce as you want.  Sprinkle with brown sugar and cinnamon.

acorn squash Cover the prepared squash with plastic wrap and place in the microwave,  cook 6- 7 minutes.  Test with a fork for tenderness. Garnish with more cinnamon.

That’s it.  A BEAUTIFUL, super easy, healthy dish.

acorn squash


Categories: Recipes


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