The Mountain Pose Challenge

I don’t want you to take this wrong, exercise is extremely important for more reasons than looking good, but if you want a flatter stomach without exercise and want to see instance results try the Mountain Pose Challenge. You should see and feel results within hours.

The Mountain Pose Challenge

  1. It starts with the old principle of tying a string around your finger to remind yourself about something.  I suggest, a ring or bracelet – much more fashionable – and a better chance you will wear it.
  2. Now, every time you see your reminder, hold in your stomach, by drawing your bellybutton to your spine. It’s as easy as that. The first couple of times do this while looking in the mirror. Wow what a difference, right? See, you look thinner without exercise.  After several days you will be holding in your stomach without thinking about it at all.
  3. Technically I said without exercise, well holding in your stomach is an isometric type exercise that will not only give you a flatter stomach, but strengthen all the muscles in your core area, helping to support your back.
  4. Greater results can be achieved by aligning all your body parts, head, neck, shoulders, back and buttock.. That is where Mountain Pose comes in, it is the yoga equivalent of good posture.

mountain pose


How to do Mountain Pose

  1. Start with you feet together, take your thumbs under your armpits and stretch yourself taller.
  2. Now focus your attention to your feet.  Align them straight head and hip distance apart. This is your foundation. Engage the muscles in your feet, then your ankles, shins and thighs/quadriceps.
  3. Rotate your thighs in and widen your sitting bones.
  4. Tuck your tailbone and draw your bellybutton towards your spine. Hold in your stomach.
  5. Roll your shoulders back and down while drawing your shoulder blades together. Reach your heart to the sky.
  6. Extend your arms down by your side and turn them out slightly. Palms facing forward.
  7. Elongate the back of your neck, look forward or close your eyes and gaze at your nose.
  8. From the tip of your head through the center of your body should all be aligned in a straight line.
  9. To do this as a yoga pose, hold for 1 to 2 minutes and remember to breath.

Your stomach is flatter already!

It might not seem like you are doing anything, but every muscle in your body is working.  You can be doing a variation of mountain pose while standing in line, talking to a co-worker, etc.  Always be mindful of your posture and engage your core.  Hold in your stomach.

Enjoy and Be Well!



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