Healthy Food Options for People with Chronic Kidney Disease CKD (Diet Calculator)

Chronic Kidney Disease CKD makes it hard for your body to filter and flush out waste products causing a build-up of mineral waste. It also makes it hard for the body to regulate fluids. That is why it is so important to limit sodium in your diet. Kidney disease can cause other medical problems and if left untreated can cause more kidney damage. Limiting the intake of certain nutrients will help put less stress on your kidneys.

If you have chronic kidney disease (CKD) your doctor has told you that what you eat impacts your kidney health. Keeping track of your intake of protein, sodium, phosphorous, potassium, and fat can be overwhelming. In my research to find accurate information I found a website, My Kidney Health, that is an all inclusive, personalized and free, kidney nutrient calculator. You personalize it by putting in your age, weight, and the severity level of your disease and in one easy to read place you get the facts on all the nutrients you need to limit.
During the different stages of kidney disease limiting different foods becomes more import. The personalized nature of the website calculator quickly allows for these changes. The tables are color coded for easy viewing of the foods and the qualities that are recommended specifically for you. The data base uses information from the USDA, and is the most inclusive I have found.

By category, some healthy food options for people with kidney disease are:

Kidney Diagram
  • Proteins:
    • skinless chicken breast
    • sea bass
    • egg whites
  • Fruits:
    • Apples, plums
    • strawberries
    • blueberries
    • cranberries
    • pineapples
  • Grains:
    • white bread
    • bulgar wheat
    • white rice
  • Oils:
    • olive oil
    • corn oil
  • Vegetables:
    • onions
    • peppers
    • arugula
    • cooked cauliflower
    • cabbage
    • spinach
  • Avoiding processed food with added sugar and salt is also important.

More in depth information on the effects of sodium, phosphorus, potassium and protein can be found at this article on webmd.

kidney disease
Categories: Health Tips


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