Eating in Moderation


You have probably heard these phrases a million times,everything in moderation,and too much of a good thing is no good for you .  Well, I am here to tell you, it’s true.  We are bombarded with new diet and health information daily.  Much of the information contradicts what you heard the day before.  In my experience the best way to combat the conflicting information is, everything in moderation. Healthy living starts with moderation in eating.

lose weight

Good or bad, don’t over do!  When planning a daily or weekly menu, include small amounts of the things you like to eat.  Granted, it is best to limited some foods to once monthly or even less often.  Unless you are restricted from eating a certain type of food, I suggest you set up a schedule as to how often you will allow yourself to eat that food.  It might only be once a year, but that is okay. I suggest putting very few things on your never list, that has the tendency really mess with your willpower. It usually makes eating healthy seem overwhelming.  Small amounts are the key here. Be mindful of portion side; read the label. You’ll be surprised at how small some serving sizes really are. Use a measuring cup and maybe even a food scale.

Know your binge triggers!

You have to know yourself and know what your binge triggers are.  Chocolates and sugary foods aren’t my trigger foods.  One small slice of cheesecake a month will not make you fat, but  for me I can’t do one small piece of cheesecake a month, because one piece can lead to a binge. Eating cheesecake for me triggers my desire to eat not just the cheesecake, but other cheesy, fatty and buttery foods. Chocolates, sugary and salty foods aren’t my trigger foods like they are for some people.  I can eat them in moderation. So if I am going to eat cheesecake I really have to have a serious talk with myself.  Sometimes it works and when it doesn’t I try to get back on track ASAP.  Just throw the offending food out. Don’t wait until the next day or tell yourself you can have a little bit more – just throw it out- give it to the dog or run it over to your neighbors. Get rid of it ASAP.  Don’t get depressed, because you had a set back, ultimately you conquered the binge and tomorrow is a new day.

Enjoy and Be Well.


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