It’s that time of year again. By now, most of us have been over eating for weeks.  The new year is quickly approaching and many of us are looking to make resolutions. In a Nielsen survey “staying fit and healthy” was the top resolution, at 37%, and second was “lose weight”  at 32%.  So, you are not alone in your quest to lose weight, get healthy, and stay fit. People have different challenges, so there isn’t one foolproof recipe to to lose weight, get healthy and stay fit.  But, there are some foolproof methods that will definitely help.

  1. Clean out the refrigerator and pantry of your trigger foods.  For some people it is the salty crunchy chips, crackers and high carbohydrate foods, for others it is chocolate or sweets and for some people it is the fatty, buttery and mayonnaise laden foods.  For many people it is all those food groups.
  2. Stock up on healthy foods.  Focus on having quick and easy healthy snacks to help stop your cravings.  The first couple weeks of any new eating plan are the hardest.  Having a quick, healthy snack will help set new habits and place and help stop you from going on a binge.
  3. Keep plenty of low calorie fluids on hand.  Water is best, but it can be boring and in the first few days of a new eating plan a little flavor goes a long way.  Flavored no calorie seltzers and vegetable and fruit infused water are good a good option.  There is also the old favorite, diet soda, but the jury is still out on whether the artificial sweeteners are a healthy option.
  4. Become more physically active. Do sometime that you like and you will be more likely to stick with it.  Add activity into your normal routine by doing things like using the stairs, walking places, parking farther away, taking on home projects, gardening, etc.
  5. Add a regular exercise routine to your week.  For starters, pick an activity that you enjoy and is convenient. Make a commitment to do that activity a set amount of times each week and stick to it. Some people enjoy exercise classes, others find making a commitment with a friend to run or walk works for them. Some people are happy to head out for a walk, bike ride or run on their own.  Others good activities are, kayaking, hiking, rollerblading, or home exercise machines.  Even a quick 10 minute yoga, hand weight or aerobic workout is great.
  6. Reward yourself.  Not with food. At first, reward yourself each time you are able to stick with ‘the new plan’. As time goes on reward yourself after a good day, a good week, a good month, etc.Pay yourself and set aside the money for something you want. Maybe, new clothes in a smaller size. Find something that makes you happy like a few extra minutes of quiet time in the morning, watching an extra TV show, calling a friend, reading, going to a museum, window shopping, etc.
  7. Don’t give up.  Even if you slip up, don’t give up. Just start over fresh and don’t be too hard on yourself.

Studies show that it takes 21 days to develop new habits.  So stick with ‘the new plan’ for 3 weeks and you will definitely see results.

For more information, see my articles:  Stop Cravings Lose Weight Get Healthy and Healthy Living Moderation in Eating.

I would love to hear about your progress.  Leave comments below.


Categories: Weight Loss


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